Download the registration form below, print and fill the form.



Download the terms and condition below or read it below.

By downloading the files I agree to the terms and conditions Below.


1.1 WAYZE MIC AND BARS (“The Show”) is generally open to all unsung music artistes who live in any part
of Ghana regardless of nationality or race.
1.2 Applicants who are less than Eighteen (18) years of age are required to obtain the written consent of
a parent or legal guardian before they are deemed qualified to participate in the Show.
1.3 An Applicant shall not be eligible to enter the Show if that Applicant is a party to:
a. A talent management contract or a contract with a talent agent.
b. Any exclusive acting agreement.
c. A professional contract; or
d. Any other arrangement of a contractual nature, whether written or oral, that in the opinion of the
Organizers of the Show would prevent the Applicant from being fully committed to the Show or fully
committed to any agreement that may result from that Applicant’s participation in the Show.
1.4 A Song recorded pursuant to any of the situations stated above, and which has been entered as part
of an Applicant’s registration for participation into the Show shall be automatically withdrawn from the
Show and the Participant to which it applies shall be immediately disqualified.
1.5 All Applicants understand that the tendering of an application is only one step in participating in the
Show and is no guarantee that that Applicant would be selected as a Contestant to participate in the
2.1 All Applicants are to pick up a Registration Form from the management of WAYZE MUSIC EMPIRE,  or download the said Forms from www.TALENTSHOUSE.com or WhatsApp 0279773888.
2.2 For an application to be considered complete, both the Registration Form and the Release Form are
to be completely filled and signed with the Applicant’s original signature and the following attached:
a. A passport picture of the Applicant, with the name of that Applicant written on the reverse side of the
b. Proof of the Applicant’s Identity (A photocopy of Passport, Voter’s ID, National ID, National Health
Insurance ID, and Driver’s License). Note that Applicants may be required to produce the originals for
2.3 Completed applications must be submitted to the management of WAYZE MUSIC EMPIRE.
2.4 Note that Applications would not be considered complete without any of the required attachments.

2.5 Applicants are solely responsible for ensuring that the songs or instrumentals (beats) they enter are
complete and playable.
2.6 The organizers shall not be held liable for the Applicant’s inability to access the website or the
WhatsApp number as a result of connection problems.
3.1 All Applications that are received by the close of submission of Forms shall be screened by a Panel of
3.2 The Panel of Judges shall shortlist all Applicants through an audition process.
3.3 The Panel of Judges may include high-profile music industry professionals, including recording label
executives, music producers and artistes.
3.4 Twenty (20) Contestants shall be chosen to participate in the show, at the end of the audition.
3.5 Auditions shall take place at a place and at a time that shall be decided by the Organizers. Shortlisted
Applicants shall be responsible for their own travel and upkeep to and from the place designated for
3.6 In shortlisting the Applicants, the Panel of Judges may among other things, also consider the melody,
composition, originality, lyrics, commercial appeal and the quality of the song entered for the Show.
3.7 The decision of the Panel of Judges is final. Applicants shall not be given feedback or a critique of the
Song that has been entered for the Show.
3.8 Shortlisted Applicants shall be notified by email, phone, or in person.

4.1 The Show shall comprise Twenty (20) Contestants,
4.2 Ten of the 20 Contestants shall have their names written on pieces of paper and the remaining ten
written in a book.
4.3 The name written on the pieces of paper will be folded into a transparent bowl where it shall be
skewed and the name picked up from the bowl would have to battle the name of a contestant written in
a book.
4.4 The show shall consist of several sessions of performances.
4.5 The Panel of Judges shall evaluate and score the performance of each Contestant and shall provide the said Contestant with feedback of their performance.

4.6 At the end of each session one Contestant may be evicted from the Show and shall not participate in
the next round of the Show.
4.6 Progression to the next round of the Show shall be determined by the decision of the Panel of Judges
and by public voting.
4.7 The judges’ scores shall account for 70% and the public vote 30% of the total score of each Contestant.
4.8 In the event that there is a tie between Contestants, the Panel of Judges shall determine the final
4.9 Contestants shall continue to be evicted until there are four (4) finalists remaining.
4.10 The 4 finalists shall compete for the Ultimate Prize.
4.11 The Show shall last for a period that shall be determined by the Organizers and shall be
communicated to the Contestants.
4.12 Contestant shall perform their songs, and execute their acts, devoid of obscenity or otherwise
offensive material.
5.1 At the conclusion of the Show, the Winner:
5.2 A sum of money.
5.3 Shall be awarded a music record deal for a year subject to a separate agreement, for the period of the
5.4 WAYZE MUSIC EMPIRE shall take all reasonable steps to secure a music producer for the Winner.

6.1 WAYZE MUSIC EMPIRE shall have the right to include and use any song, video, images or Demo entered
or performed by the Contestant, whether or not that Contestant emerges as the Winner, for any
promotional purpose, including on a WAYZE Mic and Bars Compilation CD or video
6.2 Applicant grants Wayze the right to use his image or the recorded video sessions of Mic and Bars on
social media and shall not be held liable for such usage without any commercial commitment to the
6.3 Applicants understand that by sending in their applications, they guarantee that they have done so of
their own freewill and have not been coerced or otherwise influenced by any other person to enter the show

6.4 Applicants understand that all songs, beats or demos entered may be distributed to judges selecting
the Contestants and Grand Prize winner, and agree to release, indemnify and hold WAYZE MUSIC EMPIRE
and other co-sponsors, and judges harmless for liability, damages, or claims for injury or loss to any person
or property relating to, in whole or in-part, directly or indirectly, participation in WAYZE ‘MIC AND BARS’.
6.5 Applicants agree to indemnify and hold the Organizers harmless from and against any claim howsoever
and whatsoever that may arise as a result of any default of that Applicant that arises as a result of a
contravention of the terms and conditions contained herein.
6.6 Applicants agree to be bound by all terms & conditions of WAYZE MIC AND BARS. Applicants shall be
immediately disqualified if it is found out that any representations Applicants make to compete in the
Show are fraudulent, not original, false; if they behave inappropriately and, or the content they provide
is deemed inappropriate.
6.7 Applicants agree that monies paid throughout the Show are not refundable.
6.8 The Organizers reserve the right to sanction any Applicant for a breach of any of the terms and
conditions herein stated. This right is without prejudice to the Organizer’s right to legal action.
6.9 The Organizers shall not be held liable for any default whatsoever and howsoever of any Contestant,
while that Contestant is still participating in the Show.
7.1 Contestants undertake not to grant any interviews, nor permit any other person to grant an interview
on the Contestants behalf, to any person or media house, concerning any activity relating to the Show
written permission of the Organizers or unless the interview is ordered by the Organizers.
7.2 All information of a confidential nature that come to the knowledge of a Contestant shall remain
confidential and the Contestant shall not disclose any such information at any time before, during or after
that Contestants stay in the Show unless that Information seizes to be confidential.
7.3 Any and all problems, grievances or the like, that Contestants may have, either among themselves,
with Judges or with the Organizers shall first, and immediately, be brought to the attention of the
Organizers for redress. For the avoidance of doubt the matters referred to in this section shall be deemed
to be of a confidential nature and shall not be published to any third party whatsoever and howsoever.
7.4 The Personal details of all Applicants shall be used solely for the purposes of managing the Show. The
organizer reserves the right to tweak a contestant stage name to suit the show where it deems fit
especially when its proven beyond doubt that a contestant name may have invoke passions in a negative
7.5 The Organizers reserve the right to cancel this Show at any stage if it is deemed necessary in their
opinion or if circumstances arise outside of their control.
7.6 WAYZE MUSIC EMPIRE reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time subject only to notification on this platform.

7.7 The Organizers reserve the right to make any changes to the conduct of the Show, at any time, if in
the opinion of the Organizers such a change ought to be made.
I agree with these terms


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